Before jumping right into the topic, we need to know what is teleportation. Teleportation is the theoretical transfer of mass from one point to the other without traversing the physical space between them. But this is possible in movies, what about in real life ? This picture is the closest which we have achieved towards teleportation. This picture depicts Einstein-Rosen bridge, popularly known as the wormhole.Yes, it is the one which you heard in the interstellar movie, where he folds a paper and does some trick where you get lost. The wormhole connects two points which are light years away or even aeons away, the passage is actually constructed be the bending of space time. Good, teleportation is possible then why are we still obsessed with a Tesla? Why don't we teleport our self ?The underlying issue is,that it's again just theory. But, what if I say that we have...
Yes, you read it right. While many are searching for sources to produce energy, some do manipulate the known manifestations of energy sources. Gravitational force is still an anomaly in terms of its source and stability. But using it as a source is an act of sheer brilliance. Manipulation of a force of unknown source to a source is sweet as petrichor. Dysania isn't an unusual thing in humans, it has inspired many inventions from remote to mobile phone. Agitation of serving with conservation gave the awesome creation of gravity light. Gravity light is powered by just a lift of weight. It isn't a tedious process of production of light. The magic of gravity does the trick of dragging the weight down which inturn rotates a motor which makes a set of led glow. The luminance is almost 5 times the luminance produced by a kerosene lamp light. The tutorial is simple as follows ∆ Fill the bag with weight (about 12kg). ∆ Lift the bag ...